We begin with a walk-through of your home or office. During this initial session, we will discover where the pressure points are: what drives you crazy, what confuses you, what overwhelms you. Then we will begin to discover what inspires you as you describe and envision your ideal space, verbalizing your goals for decluttering. A blueprint for change is born.
The next phase is all about springing into action. We work together to design simple, creative systems that fit your personal lifestyle. Items marked for disposal are donated to charity, waste is recycled, and excess is unburdened. A sense of relief is palpable as your environment slowly begins to breathe again. Efficiency and tranquility are restored.
In our final phase, we will work with you to create an easy, comfortable process for maintaining organization over the long haul. As you begin to make use of the toolset we leave behind, projects can be broken down into smaller units, difficult challenges are met with ingenuity, and simple living becomes the norm. We make problem-solving an art form rather than a daily source of dread.